I do t want to force my viewpoints on anyone, I write this blog simply to voice my thoughts on our twisted world.
There is a very simple answer, outlaw the guns and arrest anyone with one on them. These gun activists keep throwing around their need for a gun as if it were their God given right. The right to bare arms was given to those who lived in very different times! At a time when most had a very different respect for life in general, killers were hung! We are now living in times where there is very little respect for human life by many sick individuals as well as groups. So please don't try to argue a right to have a weapon, as if you will suddenly need it to protect your family against the government, police or a criminal. That's ridiculous!
If you believe the latter, then, you are watching too many action/suspense films people! It most likely will NEVER happen to you, unless we continue to allow these guns, which have no place in a civilized world. So, to justify these recent losses we have had over the past few years, that have seem to become more prevalent with each day's passing, by saying it's your RIGHT TO BARE ARMS!
What I hear you saying is "you really don't care if this were your family member taken by a gun". You are effectively saying "US citizens should have a RIGHT TO BARE ARMS regardless of these events, even though it was your daughter, your mother, your sister, your wife."
At least you get to keep your death toys right?!
If it were illegal to have a gun period... then, I imagine you would get a harsh sentence if caught with one in your possession. I believe if our police were enabled by our justice system to do their job effectively and search those who look suspicious, and thus find a gun on them, and as a result lock them away for ever. Then, I promise this sort of situation would become scarce. Those with guns on them in public places usually haven't any good intentions behind carrying a gun in public. Maybe that's the key law that should be passed? No gun on you in a public place, that way you can still keep your gun at home and this would enable police to arrest those walking around town toting a gun with them! We really have no reasonable excuse for carrying guns around in this day and age, other than to inflict great bodily injury upon another. Anyone that feels they need to pack a gun on them is a coward in my eyes any way you look at it. Now I know there will be hundreds of selfish individuals out there arguing my beliefs... it's okay, I understand you like your guns.
Here's another viewpoint I heard on talk radio 590 & 640, both seem to be buzzing about this topic as are most news stations, since so many shootings which are taking place on a daily place now. There was a politician who said something to the effect that we are basing our US rights on a antique notion that our forefathers who existed over two centuries ago and lived in very different times, in basically a completely different world and of course a different "America".
Is it right to continue to uphold the very same constitution without revision? We have completely unique circumstances and live with a completely different set of life situations here, in this day and age, which have lead us up to this question... "Should we have the right to bare arms"? I personally have never felt the need to carry a gun. I do not fear death. If someone wants to take your life bad enough, they will find a way regardless of gun access, however, that doesn't mean we should allow them the easiest way to take a life. Or does it?
-Richard Peacock
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