Tuesday, January 22, 2013

65% Tax Bracket? And... You Make How Much?

Here's another Zillioinare complaining about paying 60% or more in TAXES!  

Look people, I understand we all want more than we can actually achieve and if we actually do achieve more than we thought were possible, through the grace of those who we know throughout our life, those providing opportunities to us, as some are blessed to have known or run in the same circles as others who have the knowledge and or position to further those who they so choose in their careers or social status!  

While those who are not as fortunate to have had these very same opportunities, which we have been granted to the chosen ones by God, and/or have simply not come across these opportunities in their lifetimes, either by dumb luck e.g. "Being in the right place at the right time", or having the knowledge and/or skill of parting individuals from their money!  (Take a lesson from Government, they have mastered this art-form!)

Or... maybe you had seed money left to you from generations of relatives gone by... or just plain had a friend in a high place!  I understand your greed!  Once you have it all, you always want more!  You never want to drop down in social classes, always climbing the ladder upward.  

I also understand we all want to elude paying more than the next guy in taxes! However, when you say you pay 60% or more in taxes end of year, and you are bringing in $1 Million or more!  Then... is it really fair to complain about clearing nearly $350,000!?

EXACTLY HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOU NEED? So many out there are surviving on less than $15,000 a year!!! Barely surviving! Many have $0!  And I can see no way to survive on anything less than $50,000 a year personally!  And this is considered lower class in America.  So, you really want to moan and groan because you walked away with $350,000 this year?  Really???  I truly can't feel bad for you!  I See your point, I simply can not feel your pain! 

Believe me, I do see your point!  I understand your point is "IT'S YOUR MONEY" and... "YOU EARNED IT FREE AND CLEAR"! However, I can not understand how you are NOT SATISFIED with $350,000! YOU DO UNDERSTAND YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU DON'T YOU?!  Either way you look at it, our Government is going to get your money!  Go ahead and buy properties, they take taxes on your income generated by income property, they takes taxes from the real estate which you own free and clear, they tax you when you re-sell the property and if you decide to leave ANYTHING to your children, I am quite sure they will find a way to TAX THEM!  Even with the most cleaver and financially creative mind, they (The Government) will get your money eventually.  It's just the way it works folks, you earn it, they confiscate it through taxation.  Without a free ride on our Tax Dollars, there would not be a Government, State or Civilization as we know it.

Hopefully we eventually figure out a way to re-gain control over Government, and proper disbursement of the funds taken from us through taxation.  It would be a better world if those who were "governing" our tax dollars were doing so with pure hearts, that the funds would be surely placed toward the greater good! Homeless & those less fortunate.  Maybe next lifetime we will get it right.

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