Sunday, February 5, 2012

Symbols of Love Author's Digital Edition "Excerpt"


In the beginning… pure and unadulterated, as they travel thru…
Passed along, dancing from lip to lip, cheek to cheek, Ear to ear.

Beginning...much as a truth, yet, upon the journey,
Becoming something much, much more...
Deep into your darkened lie, we all shall fall.

Deceiving all whom shall be enticed by your welcoming hither...
Passing thru each memory, relentlessly mocking that which once was pure,
Each passing twist and turn, becoming further and further from as you once were...

Playfully taunting, teasing… displaying fractions,
Bits and pieces of your alluring attributes,
Yet never truly being seen for that which you are…

My God! You are magnificent! Such beautiful perfection!
As imagination and creativity awake in simultaneous splendor,
And take hand in hand, as a blissful marriage, until death do us part.

It is at this time which you choose to draw your victim closer, deeper,
Further yet into your grasp. For you are “the” master of deceit, a vision of perfection,
All shall ultimately fail to resist your enticing nature.

For is there an alternate choice?
All shall become mesmerized, by your seductive perfection, time and time again.

As you take full advantage, of unbridled creativity,
A vivid unapologetic lust for the unknown… The unseen, the unchartered venue…

Engulfing all whom may be tempted by you, for it is all whom you seek to deceive.
Destroying those whom lie prey to your relentlessly predatory nature.
Curiosity lies down, by your side, to consummate the marriage.

Written July, twenty fifth, two thousand and nine

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