Monday, February 13, 2012

Guns without a background check or a license?! Illegal Immigration & the continued downward spiral of the US!

Did anyone see the Dateline special last week? I believe it was Dateline, anyway, apparently there is a HUGE loophole in our US gun laws, it seems anyone can purchase a gun legally, or any other firepower weapon, with out any background check or any paperwork what so ever, if they simply buy them from a posting off the Internet and not through a physical shop.

Private sales generated by Internet posts are apparently a legal loophole in our laws, where anyone can legally purchase a weapon. FYI. I found it disturbing and interesting at the same time. Great country we live in here, what is happening to the US? We used to be so intelligent and safe, so financially stable and respected. Sad where we are heading toward...

And then there are those who simply say: Guns don't kill people, people do.
My response to this:

I have to say I have never seen or heard of a human being physically piercing another's flesh and entering their brain matter, heart or vascular system. It is usually a bullet from a weapon. People kill people with weapons of terror and destruction, it makes it much easier than if you had to do it with your own hands.

So, I have to say people kill people, for the most part with a weapon. Guns just seem to be the weapon of choice, since they seem to be effortless and cowardly. Don't get me wrong, the very act of killing is cowardly, however, using a gun just seems to be so third party, a middle guy so to speak.

Let's face it everyone, the real issue here is that we live among thrives and thugs. The police have become jaded and our legal system is broken. It's a vicious downward spiral. The kids grow up with parents who grew up without parents, and I am not sure which is worse! There is absolutely no respect for life, property or police. That is conveyed by these kids who tag, steal, rape, mug and basically get away with it time and time again, they are raised or lack there of, by individuals who are already emotionally broken/damaged, so they become what they see portrayed by family members and friends... it's a vicious circle, some make it out of, however, it seems not enough of them do.

The police see the same criminals walk time and time again. And our judges who are supposed to be able to have a fair, intelligent and reasonable jury to help decide a case, are given those very individuals whom I mention above from society to utilize in court cases. When morons get together with other morons, and taint each other on jury's with their "I don't care, I am missing TV with my family right now because of this crap, let's just get this over with" attitude... and criminals walk due to lack of concern and the ability to see shades of grey, and finally Judges are affected and jaded as well, this is what we are left with.

Bottom line, one hand let the other down, who let the next down... We need to fix this country. Too much freedom, not enough firm judgment/consequences for wrong doing and a lack of pride in doing the right thing, and a huge lack of accountability/responsibility.

As this chain goes on and on....

For as long as we all stay focused on the little issues, such as political B.S. created by political speeches etc... and as long as elections are purely entertainment for so many of us, and each candidate isn't held responsible for their actions, and actually having to explain in detail, not a simple "If I am or when I am elected I will or would" statement, but, exactly how they plan to execute the lies they tell to gain your vote, and as long as they are allowed to pull the old smoke and mirror tricks... Hey! Look at him! He's cheating on his wife! "well he makes $20,000,000 a year and doesn't want you to know it"!

Who really cares at this point? This is exactly how they keep us all focused on the little things, meanwhile we are loosing our country one small thug turned one huge thug at a time.  One turns into hundreds, which in turn, turns into another large corporation.  And one government bonus/handout at a time! Not to mention, all the while we sit hashing out the little laws and deciding who gets what funding where, or how little a guy who makes $20,000,000 a year should pay in taxes!

I hate to say it, because, I truly don't wish to hurt anyone or their family members who may be here in this country illegally, and I am quite sure I have known good and kind people who actually are illegal immigrants, however, we have an Illegal Immigration issue here.

Let me put it this way, my relatives came over on boats to the USA, as did EVERYONE'S! However, there is a huge difference between illegal and legal.  My own relatives came from various European countries, and at which time had to become legal US citizens, through, the proper channels.  By learning US speech and values by heart, and being required to recite them back from memory, at their very point of entry.  They had to pass physical exams to ensure the good heath of the individual applying for citizenship, they had to leave their old country, heart, mind, body & soul, and become one with this country... they had to want this country more than the one they came from.  Any other way is illegal and unfair to the others who have immigrated through legal channels.

It's like cutting in front of a long line of individuals who have waited a lifetime to become a US Citizen.  And actually bypassing the line to gain access to the "Land of the Free".  Then there is another major issue that so many have a problem with understandably, the very fact that Illegal Immigrants don't pay property or income taxes, which weakens our government further.  Yet they utilize our emergency rooms, gaining access to so called free healthcare, which is ultimately passed on to us the US Citizen, through our healthcare costs.  And they continue to work here without permits and or licenses and liability insurance (which is a necessity to any US Citizen) which gains them a very unfair advantage, and allows absolutely no accountability.  A Non-US Citizen is held accountable for nothing, things go awry, and they simply go back to where they came from, taking the money back to their country, the one that is obviously close in their heart and thought of as their true country.  Bankrupting this one, a little at a time.

We are being blindsided left and right forward and back. And the sickest part is we never learn. It's like being hit in the back of the head time after time and never realizing you need to block, drop and kick, next time around. As long as you stay focused on the little things in life, you will never be able to fix your attention and apply yourself to the much larger picture, with much larger issues. What was that old saying??? "Choose your battles wisely"... and by the way... you can't see the larger issues if your focused on the small ones, even if you could see them, where would you find the time to address them if you spend all your time on the minute.

There is too much emphasis being placed on the rights of criminals and those who simply want to test how far they can push our legal system back, here in our country, before they have to pay for the crimes they commit. A criminal should not have any rights, their only right should be that they receive a swift and fair trial, as they are then prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, as long as they stay alive long enough to get that, who cares what happens to them after that? Guilty means guilty and I am not talking about punishment for "Illegal Immigrants or white collar/blue collar crimes here people", I am referring to rapists, murders, basically individuals who have inflicted physical harm to another. Not the guy who was stupid enough to push his girlfriend back in a verbal  fight and ends physical and places that individual in jail for a year or so for some sort of physical abuse charge, physical harm inflicted or not.

With police worried about being placed in jail themselves and or having their lives taken away for attempting to up hold our laws, by having to fire upon or back at someone who is obviously done wrong, I mean come on! People don't run from police unless they have done something which they feel they need to run from.

It's sad when you see family members on news stations, obviously hardened by their way of life, asking why their family member was killed by police, yet they seem to be strong and hardly shed a tear, as if they secretly understand why their brother, son, cousin, friend was shot to death while running from the police as the very individual running pulls a weapon on the police at the last minute, and is then shot to death.

Imagine yourselves in the policeman's position, if you are continuously being second guessed and undermined, your emotions eventually come to a point where they start to prohibit you from doing your job.

I love to rant and rave about our fractured system. It's so obvious to me, just difficult when the guys who make all the decisions for us and our country, are the very guys that shouldn't be able to make a single one without a representative from our side present at all times. And yes, it has come to this... a representative for the people by the people. Not for the government by the government... If only our votes actually did count as it were intended, so many decades ago.

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