Richard Peacock is: Contemplating canceling Facebook! No... don't worry guys and girls, not the entire Facebook! Thank's for the ego boost though! More below...
Facebook has been leaving me empty more often than not these days. Sure it's fun to see what your all up to, and get up to the moment updates on what you drank at Starbucks just now, however as I look back through my posts, I find I get more feedback from a deaf, blind, mute monkey! Just kidding! Calm down... don't go reporting me to some kind of "Deaf, Blind, Mute Monkey Organization"! But the internet truly is a cold and lonely place isn't it? Missing good old fashion human contact, and pen to paper. Facebook is over rated! Said the guy sitting talking to himself and laughing in amusement, all while listening to his own music and reading his own blog. ;O) I'm dropping out again! Just like High School! You can reach me on my blog or regular e-mail, just leave a comment if you dare. April fools! You guys and girls would like that wouldn't you???! Why you little B&B's!
I hear ya Richard. Been feeling the same way myself. Find I'm avoiding logging into facebook more often times than not. Just wish I could get more people I know into google+