Love this photo, someone on my facebook list just posted this. If this is what being a good Christian means, I would much rather be Atheist! Believe me God is love NOT hate! So, this poor misguided guy on the left is just that! I try to explain this to other Christians I run across from time to time. I am a Christian and happen to be a strait one, and using common sense and a good train of thought process, I was able to come up with this analysis of "Homosexuality" and "Heterosexuality" ... okay, here we go...
Think of this situation in this way, are you strait??? Can you imagine forcing yourself to be gay? Can you imagine yourself being truly attracted to the same sex? If your answer is "no way" and you truly have absolutely no attraction in a sexual way toward the same sex, congratulations you have just confirmed you are positively heterosexual. Guess what? Homosexuals feel the same way about the opposite sex most of the time... if you can take that feeling you know to be true to your own sexual orientation and imagine yourself in the other's position, so to speak, then, why can't you see that sexual attraction is NOT something you decide or force yourself to feel.
You can't make yourself feel something is right when you know it is wrong for you! Can you? So why would proclaiming yourself as gay/lesbian be thought of as something you "Chose"? Or for that matter a "Sin"??? Is it a sin that God created you to feel sexually attracted to the opposite sex? Is it a sin that you need food and water to survive? Is it a sin that you want love in your life? Isn't sin something that is wrong that at times we "chose" to partake in? Isn't sin something that at times feels good to act out? Well, then... would you enjoy forcing yourself to have intercourse with the same sex being strait/heterosexual? Was your answer "Hell NO!" I hope you can see what I am attempting to convey here.
Sexual orientation is NOT a choice! It is something you can not help but feel an attraction to. And that is the way God made each and every one of us the way we are! God created our genes, every blood cell, bone and hair in his image. Which would mean to me that God created MAN & WOMAN in HIS IMAGE! So, with that in mind, God/Jesus/Holy Spirit are exactly like each and everyone of us, no matter what sex our bodies morph into! So, for someone to tell another they are "sinning" and or "damned" by God, and not loved by God or accepted by Jesus! That is definitely the work of the Devil in my eyes! Which would mean that anyone who is conveying this message in the name of the Father, Son or Holy Spirit, is actually conveying blasphemous untruths in the name of God/Jesus/Holy Spirit and ultimately against them, as well as Christianity in whole! Hence, SINNING.
If you take the Bible literally, and exactly as it has been interpreted from the Hebrew, Greek & Latin languages as well as what ever language it was originally written in (Who truly knows? Were you there?) then, you are saying you accept that the Bible was written by someone you know wasn't mad or insane or simply manipulating most of the world to come. Someone who was honest and trustworthy in their interpretation of what you have been told was strait from God's mouth and onto a tablet or leather hide! You have the "Christian Faith" that the Bible is exactly what God had intended to convey to you... why? Because this is what we have all been told! Because the Bible has always been and will always be. Because you know without a shadow of a doubt that God/Jesus/Holy Spirit (himself/themselves) told Matthew, Mark, Luke & John to write this down word for word... here we go... "In the beginning, there was God."
I love God/Jesus/Holy Spirit, however, I don't live my life with the "Blind Faith" that the Bible is exactly what was told by my savior. I am logical and have to use past life experiences to compare what is in the Bible with what has been scientifically documented to have happened over time, I also have to use my common sense, which tells me that if something magical hasn't happened in past centuries and is actually in theory, and scientifically an impossible act that defy's all logic and laws of our world as we know it, such as gravity and or any other laws of nature which we know to be true. Then, I have to question any statement that tells me otherwise, I also have to question the Bible's origination and the very statement that God/Jesus/holy Spirit told these disciples to quote: write this down...
I live life without judgement whenever possible, I attempt to be humble, honest, and hold honor close to my heart, to be fair with logic and the love in my heart to guide my path. I question everything in life and analyze all. I never take anyone's written or spoken word as God's honest truth. And, I have a close relationship with God without the written work/word of the Bible. I know God made us who we are, created everything and I feel he wants us all with him when we leave this realm, and cross over to the spiritual realm. I know there is much evil working against our God and his love, which we should all convey in our lives to others.
I know that fish don't fall from the sky and multiply (unless they are "flying fish"), rivers don't flow of blood (unless man has something to do with that), we don't sacrifice our first born (EVER, unless we are murders), the sea never parts (unless there is an earth quake of great proportions). The world is not consumed by fire (unless the molten center of the earth is allowed to erupt to the surface covering the entire earth) and... "God doesn't hate Gays, Straights or Lesbians.
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