Friday, March 18, 2011

NPR & PBS - Funding Cut!

Cutting funding for public creativity, art/music is effectively cutting a major artery in the right arm of every American. In times such as these children and adults alike need creative release and entertainment to ease the pain of the daily horrific reality of our current affairs. It seems odd to me the political decisions made during critical times that actually aide the demise of the spirit of America as we once knew it. I understand political B.S. and a corporate mentality, and it is exactly these practices which are destroying many lives time and time again. Please make the right decision and let the people decide NPR & PBS's fate. Government used to be for the people and by the people, it seems it is no longer our choice as Americans, we are now at the mercy of a handful of political thugs.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately we just cannot pay for everything.
    The government was supposed to be for handling things that people couldn’t take care of by themselves: Defense, Fire, Police, Sanitation, Water, Power.

    The people have gotten greedy / lazy / stupid and want mommy (government) to do everything for them.

    Taxes should be collected and allocated as follows: pay for the essentials of life like fire, police, trash, defense, and maybe water & power (although notice these are NOT real government agencies).

    The people should be responsible for everything else. If they want arts programs then they should pay for them. Strictly speaking education is not essential for life and since the government does a horrible job at it anyway, let the people handle it directly and all that goes along like sports and arts.

    Why does every tax payer have to contribute to programs that have no direct benefit to them like high school basketball or band class?


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