Some spend their lives in fear, nearly escaping certain pain and suffering, some continuously are struck by catastrophic events, many look to God and ask why? Others blame another, whom I never give any credit to. I won't even speak it's name. And many have extremely great things happen in their lives! Many at times thank God or Jesus for what they feel is surely his immediate work. Never truly understanding the weight carried within their questions and doubts which they have conveyed thru their immediate inquiry or attribute. I live my life as if it were entirely based upon one's luck, karma and or fate. I don't ask God or anyone else why, when something happens that is less than desirable in my life, I just deal with it and eventually move on. I never attribute "Evil", so to speak, to having any hand in my life, I do ponder why it seems to be woven into our very fiber and or human nature to allow such evil to fester and transpire through human interaction toward others time and time again. So, maybe there is something to this? It seems to me that the more we focus on an actual "Evil" at work in the universe running ramped, and the more we give the platform to such an entity, the more we are focused on "Evil" and therefore the more our lives are touched by it. I make every attempt to give credit where credit is due. If something undesirable does happen in my life, I usually wonder why and obsess on it for a short time, however, almost never wonder who has allowed or caused this catastrophe to take place. Don't misunderstand me, it usually bothers me for what seems to be no end... days/weeks and even months, however, I don't usually give credit to anyone or anything in particular, unless they have genuinely earned it. I believe there is definitely something to some of the old "lingo" or "sayings" "keep your head up", "Buck up", "Don't let IT get the best of you", "Cheer up", "Don't let them kick you while your down" and the advise goes on and on. It's funny how many sayings that have been around for century after century, and most have heard them and paid little attention to them or never really analysed enough to discover what they are actually conveying... POSITIVITY. Once you allow negativity into your life it will eventually devour ALL until you finally realize your circumstance and pull yourself up and out of these sorts of situations, finally putting an end to it. Never empower the negative, I have in past years and believe me, it will get the best of you! It will take you if you let it!
Now... go out and give to someone in need this Christmas! I know it's hard to think of others when we are always thinking of ourselves. Stop and look around you, if you have 4 walls, heat, clothes on your back, your health, food and a loved one, you have all you need! God bless and Merry Christmas!
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