Monday, May 24, 2010

Lost with out... LOST!

Sadly... the last ounce of enjoyment in many of our lives has now been entirely drained from the bottle and or flask, your choice, in which we drank! I can't believe there is nothing left at this point on US television to exercise our American minds and stretch out our creative boundaries! I know many do not share my pain! And that's okay... I get it! You never reached that plateau of mental awareness... it's not your fault. It's our society and American ways. After all let's face it, we are not known for our historic culture and great minds! We are known for surfboards, sunshine and beautiful blond people bathing in their own skin and living for the next party and our shallow hedonistic existence. So many who have felt that they truly understood, yet many more feel a bit LOST! Such is life. You're not suppose to put it all together in a neat little box and put a pretty little bow around it and call it "consummatum est". Just ask Pandora... Anyway, as the final episode of LOST drew near and many questions were answered, many more were left strewn about like a fallen plate of spaghetti! I picked up the meat balls, after all, they were the only recognizable bits that stood out from the mess! So... here are the meat balls: They were all dead the entire time... Jack, Kate (Freckles), Sawyer, Juliet, Sayid, Charlie, Jin, Sun, Desmond, John and my very favorite character in the bunch Hurley... they all perished in the initial plane crash, from there each episode in which they attempted to figure out where they were, and how to get back to where they initially came from, and each attempt to flee the island, was apparently, what I believe to be the writers perception of "LOST SOULS" souls who haven't any idea what happened to them and that they actually are not in the physical form any longer. The flash backs of each character's life, seemed to be what each soul was remembering prior to the crash, then as the episodes unfolded several made it off the "Island", which was what I believe was the writer's way of conveying the eventual "crossing over" to the other side. As many of them were still left still on the "Island". The "Island" by the way... "Purgatory". The cross over was completed by Jack, Hurley and a hand full of the rest, as a way of accepting their demise or fate. They felt the need to go back to the Island in an attempt to help the rest of the LOST crew find their way back to the main lands, which I like to call "Heaven". When they did in fact come back to save the rest from the Island (Purgatory), they found it necessary to act out a script of necessary tasks which must be fulfilled in order for their loved friends, family and crew members to be able to realize or awake to what had actually happened and give them direction and purpose. These equations which they had to accomplish/solve, were the crossed over souls, only means of communication with the rest of the LOST SOULS who remained on the island. Sometimes in life, and most likely death, we can not see things as they truly are... and many times there are ways in which me must be dealt with delicately, as many of us are fragile minded, many more are extremely stubborn minded and if the obvious is evident and manipulation is the objective, rebellion sets in. Therefore creating friction and rejection, hence, loss of progression. And what I would imagine to be, the production of a LOST SOUL. And that it would be... forever if not guided in the proper way to the "other side". If in fact that is exactly what does occur at times after death. No one truly knows. So, getting back on track... Jack was the "Final" lost soul who took it upon himself (itself) to ensure all of the other LOST SOULS made it across to the "other side" safely. However, Jack became lost, so to speak, himself. So after helping the remainder of them to cross over, Jack himself indeed needed guidance finding his way back. Hurley and Benjamin Linus were to assume the guiding protector role from Jack, therefore, relieving Jack of his self imposed duty, and allowing Jack to cross. After Jack's final crossing, I believe Jack and the rest had finally realized... there was no more pain, no more heart ache and no more turmoil. And possibly the only way each would actually have ever realized this, is all in the way the entire sequence of events played out. We truly don't know anything more than our own perception of reality. And, "HEAVEN" may just be what you make of it! Or it may just be an alternate universe that runs parallel with ours! One that we can not conceive, for reasons in which we have not yet awoken to. Yes... I said awoken. Don't worry, you're not suppose to understand just yet... it's something you just can not conceive at this point in time. Did I say time?... what is time... really?

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