Monday, May 3, 2010
Illegal Immigration??? I have one word "Compromise"
Last Saturday I watched a news piece on the subject called "Face The Nation" with Former Arizona Congressman J.D. Wayworth. And Current Illinois Congressman Luis Gutierrez. After hearing both speak and listening to both sides and points of view, I have concluded that both are correct as well as incorrect on many of their view points. Being a white American in an mainly Hispanic area, strangely enough, I seemed to side with Congressman Gutierrez and seemed to find purity, sincerity in Congressman Gutierrez point of view, as he conveyed what he felt was the general viewpoint of the Mexican immigrants. All I truly saw in Congressman J.D. Wayworth's eyes was that of non-compromise. Let me first start out by saying that I understand the need for legal immigration, my own father was an immigrant from the UK and came to this country with my grandparents for what I believe to be in search of a better lifestyle. I can't quite see how immigrating from England is a step up, but, that is a different subject for a different time. There is a tactful way to address this issue from a moral, ethical and governmentally just standpoint. My first thoughts are yes we are overpopulated with many immigrants especially here in California, many of them being illegal. However, there is much good to be assumed by having a strong and diverse State/Country as well. Yet still, I do believe in the system which our forefathers instated, however twisted we have since made it into. Our forefathers, by instating the immigration laws, ultimately were correct in doing so. Those laws were well thought out for a new country! A country which was to be known as the "Land of the free". A country that was to be the greatest country in the world! And they needed strong immigration laws instated for many of the same reasons which still exist and are very much valid today. One reason that stands out in particular in my opinion would be that they were attempting to regulate the number of individuals allowed into our great country in order to prevent a mass over population, and or an over population of one race in particular. I have always heard that our country is a melting pot, and that it truly is! Another reason for the first immigration laws, I believe were to allow the US Government to keep track of who is in our country, for security purposes as well as tax paying regulatory purposes. If we allow everyone and anyone in, without question and allow all to come and go as they wish without any form of official passport and or identification, then we really would not and do not have an effective National Security System in place, nor, are any of the unidentified/undocumented individuals obligated to pay taxes on their income which they receive under the table, this allows them anonymity in ways which not one of our US Citizens are allowed! in other words, they get to keep ALL THEIR PAY! While we have to pay tax on ours! How is that just and fair? Think of it this way... you own a business that no one knows about in a building that is not secured in any way, would you keep your merchandise in this building? The front and back doors are left open every night! Do you think your merchandise would be safe? And even if by some miracle there is a shred of merchandise left in the morning and you are able to sell it for profit, do you do the politically correct/morally just thing and pay tax like everyone else? I didn't think so. So, immigration is a good thing, as long as it is documented and the immigrant who is coming to our great country is one who is of good will and wishes to become a citizen! And be a part of a great country that is already established as AMERICA! And do their part in supporting the system as it is by paying their fair share of taxes. Anyone who comes to this country for a better way of life and wishes to generate income and better their financial situation because they are now living in a free country, should and would be expected to attempt to become a part of that country in ALL ASPECTS! I have no problem with Spanish as a second language, I have no problem with Mexican Americans period. I have many Mexican American friends and someday, I will have Mexican American bloodline with in my own family! However, when my life is disrupted with issues such as graffiti written on my personal property, and or on public property where I am forced to view it's ugliness, or music being broadcast as to where it is forced upon my ears, and my own personal space is being compromised by extremely loud and obnoxious "thudding" projected from a moving or parked vehicle and or home. Or something like the American flag flown upside down and or under the Mexican flag. And English has become a second language in a country where English was a first language for ALL. These are issues that do frustrate me! It's NOT okay! I love everyone and anyone who loves and respects me! And anyone who does not, is not a friend of mine in any way. And all the above circumstances point toward a different culture that does not respect mine, and a culture that does not understand personal boundaries and the respect and consideration of others right to our American freedoms as individuals to live a life without being disturbed and or harassed by a neighbor who wants to party late into the next morning hours with loud music and screaming, laughing individuals. It really comes down to three simple words: Compromise, Consideration & Respect. Without these words adhered to, you are left with anger & ciaos. We all need to fix this situation together! We ALL must put aside racial differences and work together! I think that sometimes many races forget the other race of individuals are in fact HUMAN. And that is dangerous! It gives them a reason to treat the other as less than. We must fix this broken system together! Let us not forget that however different we are in culture, still... "People are people" (Depeche Mode).
richard peacock, music, art, poetry, england
illegal immigration,
Richard Peacock,
richard peacock's blog,
symbols of love
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