I apologize ahead of time for this one. If you are completely and utterly in the Christmas spirit this season, you probably will not want to continue to read on any further.
It seems that during this particular Christmas Season, I am finding myself more reflective than usual, upon the circle of life and how it seems that at times, life in itself is quite a moot point. I feel that I truly know why our lives were given to us, and what we are suppose to be doing with the precious life which we have been given, however, it is very difficult to "do the right thing" when you deal with so many selfish and self centered individuals on a daily basis, who ignore those in pain and in need, it seems there are just not enough people doing their part to lend an hand and I find it extremely hard to stay positive and keep the faith which I was taught/given, in the early years of adolescence. So many have become extremely self centered and oblivious to the pain and suffering around them in these times. While others are taken advantage of because of their kind giving nature and many others, including family members are merely taken for granted, and in many cases forgotten or discarded during hard times or in their elderly years. I can not understand how so many of us go through life "mentally blind" to the pain and suffering in which we are contributing to and allowing to continue in so many cultures and countries, as well as our very own! And in many cases I feel too many of us look past the need which is directly in front of us, right in our own country, town, neighborhood and or families! I see charity as something which should be given to the ones closest to you in need. Look at it this way, if you give $20 - $100 to an organized charity and take that "tax write off" (that probably really would not hurt you in the least to skip!) then, that charity will take your money and stretch it out in order to place a portion of it toward paying for everything from advertising to office supplies, rent, utilities, CEO's salaries and the list goes on... how far do you think that donation truly goes on it's own? Yes, ultimately these causes do make a huge difference in the long run, after huge amounts of funds are collected together which ultimately make the difference, however, if you take that same donation and instead give a family in need in your church, in your neighborhood, in your town and in many cases in your very own family! That money which you may donate, could make it's greatest impact on the individual family or person rather than a large organization, and the amount you donate to them, may not seem like much to you, however, the money which you donate at times may change their world as they know it! Even if just for a short period of time, it may make a huge difference in their comfort, moral or even be that little helping hand in which they need. I feel that charity goes much further and does the most good when you find the needy first hand and address that need personally and swiftly. I see so many consumed these days with video games, online games, cell phones, texting, and apps. and the pursuit of self gratification and entertainment to keep their minds occupied and out of touch with reality to the very point of missing out on their family life and special moments and time which could be spent with the loved ones around them, those loved ones will not be here in the flesh with them for eternity! And there is much to regret when they are gone! So many are self absorbed and self consumed that they only worry about themselves period. And it is truly sickening and pathetic. I feel were are to live our lives fully and never leave this world with feeling any regret of possibly having missed out on a non-replaceable experience which could have been spend with our loved ones, or other simple pleasures which we felt we should have experienced. However, I also feel that we must remain responsible when it comes to the aspect of, others happiness. Yes we are responsible for our own happiness, however, we do effect the happiness of those loved ones around us. We have family, friends and spouses, as well as others around us, whose emotions and feelings we need to take into consideration. When it comes to making decisions that will effect those in our lives either directly or indirectly. We have Mothers and Fathers, Grandmothers and Grandfathers, Sons and Daughters and all of the above have the one common thread experience in which they share throughout their lifetime with you. Mothers, Grandmothers, Fathers and Grandfathers watch their babies (you) being born as well and grow into young children and eventually if they are lucky enough they mature into adults. All the while, each growing older. Ironically enough the oldest witness the birth of their young, and their children and grandchildren and in turn those very offspring (Children/Grandchildren), watch as their parents and grandparents slowly grow older and eventually leave this world...
I know without any doubt that we were specifically put here on earth for a reason, if not several of them. And some reasons are even beyond our own comprehension, since we only use a very small percentage of our brain's mental capacity. However, the most important reason for our lives, I believe is to love one another, learn as much as we can to better ourselves all the while, spending as much time as possible attempting to make life better and more comfortable for those around us in our lives, and to enjoy and make every moment important in your life when ever possible. We are here for the journey, and the journey becomes who we are! And at the end of the day it's all about how many lives we have(you) touched and made a little easier/better through out that journey?
Merry Christmas.
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