So here we go! Number One: Numero Uno: "Merging with traffic onto a freeway", it's so very obvious to me that many who enter the freeway from an on ramp only think of one thing; getting on. They don't take into consideration that if you hit the guy in front of you or beside you and you make it on, that does not count! You have to make it on in one piece and respect the others around you. You don't have to be the first guy on, you don't have to run the guy in front of you off the road to get around him while entering, and, there is no need in sideswiping the guy in the next lane to simply gain access to the farthest lane possible.
I observe so many who haven't any idea what the definition of courtesy and safety are, and a lot of the problem is due to the idiot in the front of the train of idiots, who is almost always getting on as if it were a ferry to Canada! That's right! This guy wants to enter at the speed of a slug! While everyone else on the freeway is going in the upward range of 65-70mph, this guy wants to get on at 35mph! And the guy behind him wants his space as he attempts an overthrow at 80mph, and the guy behind him, and the guy behind him and so on! Okay so lets do the math...
Traffic flow at 70mph, minus the idiot getting on at 35mph you have a negative -35mph, which means that very idiot entering at 35mph is about to slow everyone else in front, behind and beside him at very least by 35mph! As they attempt to NOT cram him into a little box of plastic and steel. And how much space between you and that guy is enough? I would say at least a mile. I wouldn't want to be anywhere near this 35mph driving imbecile! However, my common sense is another's lack thereof, as I watch all 5 of these other idiots gaining on the 35mph moron, and very quickly might I add... leaving about three feet between them, as they all enter the "Train Wreck" which is about to take place, at that very moment... another driver decides they simply have to be in that exit lane! As everyone else is getting on. Sounds like a recipe for disaster right? Yet these impatient drivers pull this very same stunt every time.
Okay, I feel a bit better, moving on to Number Two: "Driving next to someone who wants over"... here we go again with the meat head next to me! Never put your blinker on if you want to get over, and never, I mean never! Assume you will be shown any courtesy if you want to enter into a lane of 5 car lengths of dead space in front of another driver! Just drive as if you have no where special to go, no agenda what so ever, never look up from the wheel, never use your side or rear view mirror, and make damn sure you NEVER make eye contact with another driver, and NEVER... I mean NEVER use your blinker! These are the rules of changing lanes. Stray from this solid advice and you will find yourself on the road to nowhere! You will never make that required turn off if you ask for permission. I recommend the "Surprise! Here I am!" approach... if they see you need over they'll simply speed up and maintain beside you. As Nike professes "Just Do It"!
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