Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Holy Bible

"Proof"... Where is it? There is no way to actually prove it's authenticity... yet so many seem to trust that it was all translated from Hebrew and Latin precisely.  Everything within the Bible seems to fall just beyond the scope of what reality and science can prove to be true. And when so many base their lives around a book that professes odd descriptions of events which question realistic possibility as well as all probability that we know today, or from any scientifically recorded events within the distant past!  There isn't any physical evidence or original documentation which I know of, such as a pile of dust in an environmentally controlled plexi-glass (plexiglas) box.  Nor, are their any tangible facts to support the theory, and... what is conveyed is simply unexplainable. Then... I have to question its very origin and contents. I am very sorry, however I need divine intervention, proof! Substance! Not a group of words on pages gathered and transcribed by man (men?). I need more than stories of old passed down from thousands of years to various nations and then translated from hieroglyphics and Latin, Greek, Hebrew! I need actual physical evidence, the smoking pen, twig, rock or what ever the guy used to transcribe the word of God. Better yet... Maybe God can contact me directly.  I'll get back to you as soon as I hear from him...

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