Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Facebook (FB) where will (can) they go from here?

Initial Purchase Offering... opens at: $34 a share...  Great bargain for a social tech stock, right?  No wrong!

Whispers of non-disclosed profit loss, along side various lawsuits from investors on all sides, is now creating a huge downward spiral for FB stock (Facebook).  Opened today around $26.90 and still dropping!  Now at $26.75!

The big guys got in first and that is actually extremely lucky for most of us!  The very day of the IPO, FB started to loose value.  Days went by and weeks... slowly but surely the initial investors continue to "drop it like it's hot"!  The only upside to all this I can potentially see is getting in when it hits near bottom and then holding until Facebook comes up with a brilliant product/service, something to prove they are more than just a ad funded social site.

For now... that is exactly what they are.  Google has incorporated much more value to their brand by adding additional products/services to their search based model.

Facebook will hopefully have an innovative product shortly to curve the loosing streak... however, rumors of a Facebook Phone will not gain them much momentum in my opinion.  They will actually have to come up with something innovative and inspiring.  And not just a re-invention of the iPhone.  Facebook seems to be extremely transparent at this point in the game with today's investor.

Maybe they can re-invent the iPad next.

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