Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Facebook fairy-tale turned social stock nightmare!


What's good for Facebook's founder is not always good for it's investors.
Mark Zuckerberg is a BILLIONAIRE!  Yep, Mark continues to get paid by advertisers as users of Facebook log on.

Meanwhile investors loose their shirt, shorts & eventually their socks and shoes!  Investors are playing the role of Captain Zuckerberg's zuckers.  As many of the little guys buy in, large companies are trying to sell out at a huge discounted price.

It's not looking good for FB stock, however, when you have billions, you have a little money to burn.  It's the security of billions that dulls the pain of loosing a few.  And it's that very numbing agent that helps you loose your "edge" in business life.  When you've concurred the world and have more than enough to last several hundred lifetimes what exactly is your continued motivation to succeed?

I am guessing your good name?  Good luck all...
I for one am not too sure about investing in the next "Titanic".

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