Website Photo Credit – Symbols of Love Organization By Richard Peacock
Nonprofits are becoming the majority. More predominately now, than ever before. The reason you ask? Well we have to start at the beginning of the
entire economic meltdown to obtain that answer.
In a failing economy cash is king, many businesses which have failed
have done so because of the lack of cash flow and a failing economy is a direct
result of cash hoarding.
The current economic situation is very similar a stock market
meltdown; the shareholder (consumer) looses faith in the stock (services &
products which businesses sell). The investor
(consumer) at which time, sells the stock which they are invested in, off at
market. If the investor then begins to fear the entire
market may be flawed, the investor becomes opposed to the idea of
re-investment. Thus, driving the stock further
into the ground, as a chain effect starts to take place as a direct result of
the investor becoming poisoned by fear.
The investor (consumer) sells the stock (service and/or
products which business have to sell), the stock at which time drops in value
(cash flow recedes) as other investors now begin to “lost faith” in this particular stock (unwanted
product and/or service) and begin to sell off their shares as well. As fear continues to prevail and spreads like
an epidemic, affecting many of the other stocks (products/services) which
reside on the market (economy). The media
assists in the administering (broadcasting) of this poisonous venom (bad news) as
it continues to interject it into an already failing system (the economy).
Those who have “lost faith” in a particular stock (product/service)
soon thereafter sell all shares within their possession (cease their purchase
of services/products). The stock market
plummets to the ground (economy).
Businesses then begin to dry up; as they grasp at new ways to “cut
expenses” they begin tightening up their purchases as well eliminating many of
their office supplies and other unnecessary expenditures. As these struggling businesses and now consumers
alike, have eliminated the purchase of such products and/or services. This in turn, affects the businesses, which
were at one time were financially supported by the consumers purchase. As the consumer has now deemed that
particular service or product produced obsolete.
Businesses begin to cut back on payroll, which affects their
employees’ paycheck amounts, and as a direct result of a “paycheck on a diet”,
the employee then starts similar cutbacks within their daily lives and home
product consumptions, creating a vicious domino effect, as they continue to cut
their finances and or expenditures, other businesses feel it. Eventually businesses begin layoffs as they attempt
to offset their losses and ride out the recession, these businesses eventually begin
to dry up (cash flow) and ultimately fold as the cash hoarding continues.
With many of the businesses that once succeeded in a “good
economy” having now failed and become nonexistent, and former employees of such
businesses now out of work, out of money and in many cases without the
necessary funds to maintain food, clothing, shelter & health care. What type of business would be desperately
needed at this point? And if the
consumer can’t consume what type of business would be needed? That’s right, assistance programs
(nonprofit)! You get an “A”!
Nonprofit is the business model that is the obvious
choice. In desperate times, with so many
having lost their home, their income, and don’t know where the next meal will
come from? The only correct answer is nonprofit. Nonprofit is necessary to rebuild a failing
economic system. When the system is weak
it relies heavily on nonprofit, when it is strong it relies on job growth and
massive consumer consumption. Without
either there must be something to fill the gap.
Nonprofit… it’s old business that’s new again for 2013.
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